When I started my eco build I wanted to make my glass blowing more eco-friendly. As well as reclaiming the waste heat I wanted to reclaim any “waste” glass so I started making kiln formed coasters.
I also incorporate fusing into my glassblowing classes. I now never throw any glass away – it is all used to make the coasters and I love fossicking* through the bucket to find just the right, bijoux bits of coloured glass to complete my coaster.
*I know! Good word isn’t it? I first came across it in Peter Carey’s Oscar and Lucinda….. read more in my “Fossicking” blog!
Fusing classes
As well as the glassblowing classes, which also include a little bit of fusing, I run glass tile fusing workshops where you can make a set of four glass coasters.
We use small bits of waste glass from the blowing process, arrange them (artfully!) in a mould and then fuse them in a kiln. The firing takes 24 hours so the finished tiles will be ready to collect in two days or they can be posted to you.
Prices and booking information on my Classes page .