An assistant…

…is a wonderful thing.

Although I normally work alone, I acknowledge it is sometimes nice to have assistance when making the more challenging pieces.

Here, I am working with fellow glass artist Rebecca Roffe to make a large “Sea Creature” lamp.

Checking the pattern before gathering more glass
gathering more glass
Cutting in the neck of the piece
papering the piece to shape it
Blowing the glass
swinging the shape out longer
checking the shape
knocking off the end so it can be opened out
opening the piece out wider
opening the piece out even wider
Siddy reheating the piece Rebecca getting a new trail
Rebecca bringing me the hot glass trails
swinging the piece out longer
Siddy swinging the piece out so that centrifugal force will lengthen it. Rebecca looks on anxiously!
the piece almost finished
Rebecca looking happy, celebrating the completion of a successful piece
Siddy looking exhausted, celebrating the completion of a successful piece!
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